As of yesterday, I have lost 110 lbs on my weight loss journey so far and I have 110 lbs to go to hit my goal weight of 175lbs! Do you know what that means????? Well, of course you do, you read the title of this post, duh! I'M HALF WAY THERE!!!!! Holy crap, it feels totally amazing to say that I have lost 110 lbs. That's like TWO Lindsey Lohans! Sa-WEET! It has been a rough road and I know that I still have quite the journey left, but I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished so far. I am feeling pretty good, I am hungry a lot but I am learning to cope with it. It's mostly "head hunger" anyway. At the support group meeting Tom and I went to we found out about ketosis and how, when your body has stopped burning incoming carbs for energy because there aren't any, it will start burning your stored fat for energy and boy, I have plenty of THAT! They have little test strips in the diabetic section at most pharmacy's that test your ketones and if the strip is super dark that means you are in full ketosis! That is where a gastric bypass patient wants to stay for as long as possible! Of course, I ran right out and bought some of the strips, tinkled and HOORAY it was the darkest it could be (the strip, not the tinkle) so my body is in high ketosis and burning those fat cells like crazy! This made me happy and was almost as exciting as a pregnancy test... almost. I have started to introduce more foods into my diet and I have handled most things very well. Last night I made shrimp scampi for dinner and it was fabulous! Last weekend my mom took Tom and I to the Timbermine. This was my first dinner out and I was worried a little. I ordered the halibut, no salad but instead they offered this bean and ham soup which was awesome and some steamed veggies instead of a potato or rice. I had a sip of the soup while I watched my mom and Tom eat the soft, warm bread *sigh* and then when my meal arrived I ate about 4 bites of the fish and two little broccoli trees and that was about it. The waitress probably thought I didn't like it but, honestly I LOVED every little bite! The good part about only being able to eat 2 oz is the fact that you get to take home leftovers and relive that delicious meal a few more times! The soup was so good and I had halibut for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day! YUM!!! I am a big seafood lover so I am glad that I get to still eat that kind of food. The things I miss most are, of course, PIZZA, bread, crackers and ice cream. It's still super hard at BBQ'S, especially with grilled buns for the burgers and dogs but I try to focus on what I can have, instead of what I can't and that usually gets me through. Work is ok, there are treats everywhere and I hate that but I am learning to avoid the areas they are in. I have yet to get back to an exercise routine though, so that is my big goal for the week. I walk at work on my breaks but I can feel those swimming muscles I built up turning to mush so I really have to get it in gear and get my butt to the pool again! Other then that, things are pretty sweet. I'm looking good, feeling good and proud of my accomplishments. What more could I ask for?
5 weeks after surgery |
4 days before surgery |
KUDOS! So how many times a day are you allowed to eat your 2oz meals?
Love ya,
Hey Jenny, secretly I stock you on facebook and your blog but I just wanted to say that I am SO PROUD of you. What you are doing is AH-MAZING! I don't know if I could ever give up sweets. You are a rock star in my eyes! Can't wait to read your next up date. You go girl!
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