Merry Christmas and a happy new ME! This post was originally intended to be written on New Years Day, but, like with most posts I write (mostly in my head), it never makes it to the blog! Grr. So, let's play catch up yet again shall we?!?
The holidays were fabulous! Filled with so much family and fun! The only part I could have totally done without was the freakin treats around ever corner! I don't know what it is with the month of December or Christmastime in general that makes people want to create mass quantities of sugar filled, high fat, incredibly delectible concotions and bring them to work every stinkin day, but it bites! HARD! I made it through though without too much complaining! I am so glad it's over and now and everyone is starting their New Years "I'm gonna lose 30 lbs this year" resolutions, so I should be safe, for a couple months anyway till they all give up like I always did. My babies had a wonderful Christmas as well. Hannah got a tablet, a my twinn doll and a whole bunch of craft projects and books and Hunter got a leap pad, a bunch of super why (his favorite show) stuff and, of course, books galore! Tom and I enjoyed every minute of watching the magic of christmas sweep our sweet kiddos up and wrap them in warm fuzzy memories.
As I look back on the year 2011, I can't believe how much my life has changed. It was a year ago yesterday, (Jan. 13th) that Tom and I went down to St. Marks Hospital in SLC and attended the first seminar offered by RMAP that starts the process. I've written about this day before but it honestly was such a turning point in my life that I can't stop feeling like it needs to be celebrated and acknowledged over and over again. I remember we went out to dinner before it started and I told Tom, that I was drinking my last coke, not believing for one second that I really could do it. I had already made the decision to have the surgery but I didn't realize at that time how hard it was going to be and how much I was truly going to be giving up... or how much I was truly going to gain, simply, my life.
After the seminar as we walked out, it was snowing lightly and everything looked so pure and beautiful and I felt like this huge weight (no pun intended lol) was about to be lifted off me and it was right, in every way, shape and form, this was what I was suppose to do.
Fast forward 1 year and 190 lbs and I have no regrets. I still feel, with every fiber of my being, that I made the greatest decision of my life and it was right. I still have about 40 lbs to go to reach my top goal of weighing 170 lbs (which, is still considered "overweight" on the stupid "this is how everyones body in the flippin world should be, so if your body is in any way different from the doctor who came up with it, you are fat" chart) but I know I can do it! After what I have accomplished this year, I know I can do pretty much anything! I am a rock star!
I am so utterly grateful to so many people who have made this past year bearable! The top of the list is, of course, my amazing, loving, beautiful husband Tom and my equally amazing, loving and beautiful children, who's mommy has been a little hard to live with sometimes, but has made thier world healthier, more active and for sure more FUN! Also, my family, my mommy, who was with me the whole time in the hospital and who has cheered me on the entire year! My brothers and sisters who have always had my back (even when it was big) and have made me feel "smokin" in that "you are my brother so it's a little innapropriate" way! Tom's family has also been my rock this year. My mother in law has delt with some pretty tough things herself these past few months and yet, she is always there when I need her and is a true blessing in my life and the life of my children. My big sister Kathy (we were totally meant to be sisters, I just had to marry Tom to get her!) has been a second mother to my kids which they have really needed this year especially and I will forever be indebted to her for all she does for me and for them. And, of course, my wide group of FANTISTIC FRIENDS, neighbors and co-workers who have kept me going on a daily basis! I truly could not have endured the hard days without all of the support from everybody.
So, yah, I'd say I have had probably the toughest, most incredible, rewarding and life changing year of my exsistance and I wouldn't change a thing about it! 2012 is going to be just as crazy and, hopefully, come June I can proudly say that I accomplished my goal, and for the rest of my life keep striving to maintain it and encourage and inspire others to make themselves into the best "them" they can be, cuz it feels AMAZING when you get there!
Happy New Year! |
The next generation of Caine cousins |
Family! Ash, Alicia, Lindsey, Amanda, Me, Tiffany and Teah |
I LOVE this lady!!! |
Hey! Is that Super Why I see? |
They are not spoiled at all! |
Our pretty tree |
Me and Hannahs tradition is matching jammies! |
Hannah and her My Twinn Mya |
Playing operation with cousin Mandy |
Miss Hannah got a real camera too! |